Kennedy Davis joins the lab as a graduate research assistant. Welcome Kennedy!
New article explaining the dynamics and mechanisms of planarian growth and degrowth regulation published in Development. Check out the highlight, interview, and tree planted!
Daniel is awarded the 2021 Early Career Faculty Excellence Award for the College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences at UMBC. Congratulations to the whole lab!.
Andrew Wolff joins the lab as a postdoctoral research associate. Welcome Andrew!
New paper presenting a high-performance methodology based on GPU computing for the inference of spatial gene regulatory networks published in Briefings in Bioinformatics.
Alizay and Noor win Undergraduate Research Awards. Congratulations!
New paper presenting a novel method and tool for the computation and interactive visualization of genome-scale metabolic flux networks published in Nucleic Acids Research.
New paper modeling the regulation of cell adhesion to explain sorting, intercalation, and involution tissue behaviors published in the Biophysical Journal.
October, 2019
Archana passes the Preliminary Examination and advances to Candidacy. Congratulations!
New preprint showing how cell adhesion molecules and their regulation can produce dynamic behaviors such as cell sorting, intercalation, and gastrulation posted on bioRxiv.
New version of PlanformDB released containing 1674 planarian experiments curated from the literature. Download the database and software tool for free from our website.
Learn how the lab uses high performance computing for reverse-engineering cellular control networks in this TACC article by Aaron Dubrow and highlighted in NSF News From the Field.
New paper showing how a dynamic model discovered by AI methods was used for finding a treatment to produce a desired but never-seen-before phenotype in Xenopus published in Scientific Reports.
Vikramaditya Battina joins the lab as a graduate research assistant. Welcome Vikram!
December, 2016
New paper describing a novel modeling framework for regenerative biology published in Information Sciences.
Caroline has been selected as a MARC U*STAR Scholar, to be mentored in our lab. This NIH funded program prepares undergraduates for research careers. Congratulations Caroline!
Neil Agarwal joins the lab as a graduate research assistant. Welcome Neil!
New paper presenting the computational discovery and in vivo validation of a novel regulatory gene in planarian regeneration published in Bioinformatics.
August, 2016
The Lobo Lab present at SURF! Congratulations to Junaid and Abraar for being selected to give an oral presentation, and Caroline, Samantha, Mark, and Mikhail for presenting posters!
July, 2016
New paper investigating the computations performed by the planarian worms during regeneration and how to reverse-engineer them published in a Springer book.
Samantha and Mark have been selected as UBM Scholars to collaborate in a research project in the lab at the intersection of Biology and Mathematics. Congratulations to both of you!
April, 2016
Caroline Larkin joins the lab as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome Caroline!
New paper with a molecular and computational perspective of large-scale patterning in planarian regeneration published in Regeneration.
Samantha Herath joins the lab as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome Samantha!
New paper presenting a novel software tool for the characterization of unknown pathways published in the Journal of Computational Biology.
Madhavi Avadhani joins the lab as a postdoctoral research associate. Welcome Madhavi!
The lab is awarded its first research grant from the National Science Foundation! We thank NSF for the support of our work.
Mark Ebeid joins the lab as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome Mark!
Yogendra Jampana joins the lab as a graduate research assistant. Welcome Yogendra!
New paper investigating the robustness of artificial neural networks during development and regeneration published in a Springer book.
Saqlain Amin joins the lab as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome Saqlain!
November, 2015
Elizabeth Cardosa joins the lab as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome Elizabeth!
New paper describing how a flatworm can be induced to regenerate the head of another species published and selected for the cover in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
Review paper about the dynamics of life published in F1000Research.
October, 2015
New paper reverse-engineering the stochastic mechanism of a melanoma-like phenotype published in Science Signaling.
Arjun Kumar joins the lab as a graduate research assistant. Welcome Arjun!